Quote Originally Posted by -hellvin- View Post
6. Use ALT-58 for : and ALT-92 for \.
I'd forgotten about that one. A rather clever workaround!

To be explicit:
-Hold down either one of your keyboard's ALT keys
-Press (and release) the "9" key on the numeric keypad.
-Without releasing the ALT key, press the "2" key on the numeric keypad.
-Finally, let go of the ALT key.

This works regardless of whether Num Lock is on, but you have to use the numeric keypad. I use that for special characters (particularly °, ALT-0176) frequently - it beats looking them up in Character Map.

Quote Originally Posted by dgdgagdae View Post
I do have one of those HP multimedia keyboards. I killed the task "keyb.exe" that monitors those extra multimedia keys, but that also didn't help.
If you just kill the task while Windows is running, it might not work - you should try taking it out of startup alltogether. A handy utility for disabling such things is Autoruns from http://www.sysinternals.com .