I found a few Genesis model 2s on the cheap over last weekend for prices I couldn't pass up. When I got them home I noticed something odd, each one came with a different model MK-2103 AC adapter than I've always seen. Not only that but both of the AC adapters are different from one another, and both seem to be official Sega. So.. 2 different, apparently official, AC adapters I've never seen in 15+ years in 1 day. Not that I look for these things, if I saw these shapes on an auction I'd assume they were 3rd party.

I'm posting a picture hoping someone here can identify the source of them both. Maybe one actually belongs to a Genesis 3? I've never owned a Gen3.. Maybe one is a late model replacement adapter that wont burn down your house? ZOMG IS IT TEH PROTOZ??!? heh

Hardly exciting stuff here, I'm just curious what they are before I make MK-2103 Nunchuks out of them.

I also pictured the "standard" MK-2103 on the far right for the sake of it.

..And while we're at it.. Is this the official mixing cable Sega CD Model 1s originally came with? I bought it off eBay some years ago, it was advertised as a new old stock Sega CD mixing cable. I know it hardly matters what you use, but it was a few bucks and I kind of felt like having the one that would have been packed in. Seems you hardly ever seen them. I never had a Sega CD way back when, so can anyone verify this cable looks like the one that was in the box?