Quote Originally Posted by Ed Oscuro View Post
Select "worldwide" in Location. Sometimes that's the only way to make foreign items show up. It doesn't help in this case, though.

Duke Nukem on the MD strikes me as being far below Wolfenstein 3D-spec. It's not surprising it isn't any better, but it's almost sad that Nukem got shit down the MD's throat like this (to paraphrase the Duke). It does seem to be the only use of this particular engine, though, which makes it somewhat impressive. Wonder if it broke even with its costs.
The engine is basically on par with Wolf 3D imo. It does a few extra things that the base Wolf3D engine doesn't do, but they aren't anything special that couldn't tagged on to Wolf3D.

Remembering that there is no extra hardware used and looking at the window size and the not too horrible frame rate I think this game is pretty impressive for the system.

Of course that still doesn't make it a good game. But it does have a great novelty factor.. Well, for me at least. It's Duke Nukem 3D on the Sega Genesis! Now if we can just get Duke Nukem 1 and 2..