Quote Originally Posted by RyanMurf View Post
I dont think that. I know what im talking about im sure I have surpassed you by the hundreds in xbox repairs but reflowing is pretty much explained by its own term. It is the process of reflowing extreme amounts of heat to the solder so it can heat up and remelt again solving any cold or broken solder issues.
Well, anyone be under the impression that you think that.

Reflow is just a fancy way of saying that they did the xclamp fix and let the system run till it overheats to remelt the solder so that it is positioned in the rite place on the chips and board.
I didn't read all of your posts until now, but after reading that post and then skipping right to you asking saferkefka to explain the how the process of getting his machine reflowed I thought that you didn't know what reflow was.

Even if you've fixed "hundreds" of 360, after you've fixed one or two there's basically nothing more that you can learn by fixing a 3rd or 4th.