Sure, they invoke nostalgia either way, but for some reason it's almost more fun to revisit the classics with a friend. For example, me and a friend played through Earth Worm Jim together yesterday. Every time one died, we'd hand the controller over. I haven't played earthworm Jim in years, and while it would be a trip down memory lane with or without my bud, him ebbing there made it all the more better. Playing through it together brought up stories from that game as well as others. I haven't been able to sit and play that game by myself for a while now. Whenever I tried, I just said "eh, who cares?" and stopped after a level or two(not saying it's a bad fame, quite the contrary!!!).

There are certain games I can revisit alone anytime, and others, such as this, that I'd just prefer to do with a friend. What about you? Do you prefer revisiting the classic alone, with friends, or does it depend?