Daryl 4ever2600 here,

Well everyone, now that real life has caught up, work etc and the smoke has cleared... Another CGE has come and gone. I have to say it was a great convention as always. There were alot of different aspects to the show as well as alot of similarities to the past shows.

Digital Press has lots of goodies, shirts, games and memorabilia as at most of the shows to be purchased.

Atariage made a great full fledged appearance with all their latest hacks and homebrews which was really nice to see the community come together after all these years.

It was also great to see the Atari2600.com peoples, the AtariHQ peoples and all their Atari homebrews and games. Also songbird was there with their great games. And Gooddealgames had alot to offer.

It was great to meet Frankie who not only ran the Daphne Dragon's Lair / Space Ace kiosk, but he hosted the game shows as well, CGE Jeopardy and Family Feud. He is a really great guy and I was glad to have spent some time hanging out with him. It's always sad when key people from the past shows can't make it due to whatever reasons keep them from attending. Missed Scott Stilphen and several other people and vendors that couldn't do the show.

The auction was alot of fun as always, although there didn't seem to be as many oddities as at the past shows, there were still alot of great items. We had a new auction girl Jennifer, she was a good sport and alot of fun. As always the auction lasted approx 3 hours.

The museum was as great as always with the items that you just don't ever see. It was very cool to see the prototypes and one of a kinds since the last show and the new ones as well.

The bands were great to have again, nice to pick up a couple of their latest CDs.

The alumni dinner was a great as always. Seeing all the greats and hanging with the people that make the show possible.

Even after a little disasterous start, the afterparty was GREAT! I've been to plenty of the past after parties, but this one was the best! Where else can you have a few cold ones, eat pizza and wings while hanging out with all your friends, playing all the classic games you can imagine until about 3am.

The new homebrews for the various systems were pretty great. I dropped quite an amount of money at each of the vendors booths.

Got to hang out with Charles (evg2000), Matt (Tempest), Mayhem, Ian (Ianoid), Glenn, Marc, Chris (Vextrex guy), Big Al, Joe, John and Sean (and a few other I apologize if I left you out). Got to meet the director of Joysticks get some signatures. Of course, saw the Activision and Intellivision guys.

It was nice to finally meet Chickybaby, I'm glad she was able to make it to the show with all she has going on in her life.

I was happy to see one of the local video game stores at the show, Game Haven. Next time I'm sure there will be more local stores that will pop up that we can get to show up to make even a bigger turnout.

Being a volunteer is such a great thing. From the planning of the show, to picking up all the things we need during the show, helping others out before and after the show. There are so many funny stories that can be told. Staying until every last vendor is packed up and gone and then heading over for the last supper with all the guys and gals that make CGE possible is what it truely is all about. Yes the show is incredible in itself, but seeing the entire thing unfold from beginning to end is what it is all about. The community! Miss all you guys and gals! Here is hoping to a CGE 2011!