I've got enough disagreements to warrent my own list, hehehe =)


Advanced D&D: Cloudy Mountain
Advanced D&D: Treasures of Tarmin (Oo, first of a kind)
Astrosmash (Damn fine fun)
B-17 Bomber (GREAT)
Bump 'n Jump (Hey, just a lot of fun. Good music too, less muddled than the NES version)
Burgertime (Who doesn't love Burgertime)
Commando (I'm especially fond of the Intellivision version of Commando as compared to the myriad of others because I feel the 16 direction dial was a godsend for shooting those little buggers)
Horse Racing
Lock N' Chase
Night Stalker
Pac-Man (Sure, we've seen Pac-Man before, but this version is so crisp and clear.. it looks like the arcade!)
Snafu (Simple, clean fun... great with a partner.. if you can find one that'll play with you)
Space Armanda (C'mon!!!! Simple, but fun! Astrosmash is on the list tooooo....)
Space Battle
Space Spartans (Hello Commander..)
Tron Deadly Discs
World Championship Baseball (with honorable mention to Chip Shot and Super Pro Football)