Well, the title says it all. I have been getting MULTIPLE emails requesting that I sell/trade for the Rad Racer Glasses that I have. As most of you know you could ONLY get these through the Nintendo "Fun Club" back in the day and...well...I have an extra pair.

Oddly enough others have requested I DON'T sell any and hold onto them, but for now I will see how things go.

So, whereas some have suggested I use Ebay I am just not comfortable with that, so for now I will take offers. I will start the price at $200 plus shipping. Whatever you feel is fair, offer it up and I will see what I can do. I will respond as quick as I can and as others who have gotten cool items from me here in the past can tell you I am VERY fair.

Pics of what you get:

BRAND NEW, in original mailing bag NOTE: They DO NOT have the NOA### sticker on the side arm (this is because before shipping Nintendo Employees were responsible for placing that sticker and these never left Nintendo Employee hands until I go them) I recieved these straight from a nintendo employee