Did you know that you can download handheld games now? That's amazingly convenient! The only inconvenient part of it is finding the right games to buy -- and that's where we come in, with our Portabliss column. Three times a week, our new Portabliss column will tell you about a downloadable game on the iPhone, iPad, Android device, DSi, 3DS, PSP, etc. Today: Mighty Flip Champs DX!
We didn't have a periodic column about portable downloadable games when WayForward unleashed the bookish puzzle game Mighty Flip Champs upon DSiWare. WayForward graciously ported the game to PSP and released it as a Mini last week, affording us the opportunity to treat it as a new release once again and write about it here. Thanks, WayForward!Continue reading Portabliss: Mighty Flip Champs DX (PSP Minis)

Portabliss: Mighty Flip Champs DX (PSP Minis) originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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