Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
Thanks. My post made better by portnoyd.
Just like life.

FF13 was a total shitfeast. I know I made a post in the past about this but I can't find it.

Horrible combat system. You can only control one out of your three party members. ONE.

Stupider story than usual. My god, it made zero sense from THE START. At least most FF games have the common courtesy to seem coherent for the first 75% of the game.

Vapid, one dimensional characters. Even the main character rarely spoke and it's not like a Crono from CT kind of thing, it's a she has no personality kind of thing. And I've never seen so much anime prostrating in one game in my life. But hey, "WE CAN DO IT! YEAH!" *raises his arm up into the sky for no apparent reason and to no one in particular*

Nightmarish J-POP soundtrack.

The only FF games to be avoided are II, VIII, XIII. II because it was made for sadists, VIII because it was made for the Twilight crowd and XIII because it was made out of nice looking but otherwise awful shit.

If you played XI in any sort of amount of time, you'd find a very nice FF game underneath the MMO pretext. Which is why I didn't include it above. X is borderline but I left it off; never played X-2.

I'm with G-Boobie. I liked FF12 very much. The active combat was a nice change. It wasn't truly FF, but then again, the game hasn't truly been FF since the series hit double digits.