When it comes to big-budget polygonal extravaganzas, I think the game industry is at its absolute peak with this current generation and that it has no where to go from here but down, and it will begin with the next generation of consoles. I don't think there will be a sudden crash or anything like that, just a slow steady decline over the course of a few years, and it's going to go all the way to the bottom of the mountain.

Most people are gaming for the novelty of it all, to have new experiences, but I don't think the graphics of next gen systems will be such a leap to make the same old experiences feel new again, like we've seen with previous generations. Without the amazing graphics to distract them, people will come to realize that they've had these experience already, and as a result, they will slowly but surely begin to lose interest in it all.

When this thing bottoms out, all that will remain are the gamers who play for the challenge. Some call them hardcore gamers. But sadly they are a just a small group whose numbers are shrinking every year, so don't expect them to save the industry.

Lot's of people will lose jobs, developers will close shop, and the huge corporations will lose so much money they'll regret ever having entered the video game business. And I will be laughing like a maniac when that day comes.