This is driven by sheer fucking greed. The developers see that Gamestop is making $55 selling a game used a few days after launch and I'm sure they get a few buyers (not me). The developers don't like the fact that they got the first $60 but not that second $55.

Blaming Gamestop is like blaming a used car dealership. People trade something in and they resell it again and make a nice profit. But you don't see the auto industry up in arms.

Game developers are just FUCKING GREEDY PIECES OF SHIT!

While I do zero piracy of anything, I understand why people do it. It's just a nice "Fuck You!!" to the greed of the industry and in all honesty, I think piracy is a small percentage of their actual problem. The anti-consumer attitude and ideas such as this merely add fuel to the rebellion and should be a bigger concern to developers. Just let them keep biting the hand that feeds them and eventually consumers will have had enough.