I like how it takes a necro-bump from buyatari for these two to respond. Then again, it was a thread of Jonebone and Nolan Twins slapping each other for me to see that this thread actually made some NA stock come out of their comfort zone. It's not top 20 list, but it'll do.

Quote Originally Posted by Braveheart69 View Post
What a fun read. Glad to see Port is full of shit as usual and wrong as always. Some things never change.
I've never cared less what anyone else collects or how or why, to each their own. Flattering that you continue to be so obsessed with me and my wallet Dave.
Wow, so I post evidence and links of your activity and you respond 'lol, you're wrong', not even acknowledging any evidence presented. Awesome response - both completely devoid of substance and dismissive at the same time. A prominent mod on NA, folks. Quite a paragon of the community.

Quote Originally Posted by Mario's Right Nut View Post
I'll collect as I see fit. You do as you see fit. Just be sure that you keep badmouthing us where we won't see it! That's important.

Stay classy Port! Your envy makes me feel sexy.
Sorry, I'm not one of your 'duders' that licks your fire red nuts when you overpay by 500% for something. You may have wanted to look at your buddy's post above, because you just said exactly what he did, which of course, was nothing.

Why did you two even post? Best reasoning is I hit the mark with Braveheart and he felt he had to 'defend' himself, lacking any real defense. No secret that the two moneybags are friendly (the rich tend towards the rich) so out comes the ginger to back up his friend, without backing him up at all.

You sure you two are in the financial sector? The way you guys act, you have trust fund kiddie written all over you.