Quote Originally Posted by Panzerfuzion View Post
I'm just happy the McNoMorals have been completely put on front street, up until the Flintstones deal they were still respected. Disliked for there arrogance but still had respect within the community which even before the Flintstones deal most people that had been around them enough knew they were shady but I digress. I'm just happy that people are at least "Aware" now...


Just glad I was able to add to there legacy...
Umm, that's just Dark Sol. Can't say that his feelings about me are new dude. Pretty much anyone who has been banned from NA (Dark Sol, Dutch, etc.) trolls me everywhere they can.

There are plenty who disagree with what we've done that don't carry themselves like idiots (Port, Jone, Ace, a million others), and I can completely understand and respect where they are coming from. Dark Sol was selling women's pants on Ebay that he was fucking modeling in the add, you think I give a shit what that dude writes on his page that no one views? Say what you want about me, you won't catch me wearing and selling women's clothes.