There's just something exciting about starting the first step with a game you've never played before, and been curious about for 15, 20 years. Just something about that! Even better, when it happens on a Friday heading into a long weekend. I'm at the point where my flea market and Craigslist wheeling dealing days are over with. Whereas once upon a time a bright early Saturday morning meant driving down to the local flea market, now I can wake up and enjoy playing the latest game that catches my eye on the old library shelf. There's something awesome and satisfying about that.

Best of all is not just playing a game, but playing it to beat it. Staying with a game to the very end. For example, I recently stuck with and beat Lagoon. Even though it's an average game at best, I had a hell lot of fun with it. Been wondering about how it plays for 20+ years now, and now I can cross it off the curiosity list. Now, I recently started up on Paladin's Quest. I'm a couple hours into it, and already enjoying it. I look forward to putting in another 3 to 5 hours or so this coming weekend. After beating PQ, I will put it back on the shelf, and look for the next game to play through. This is utterly satisfying IMO! There's nothing like it. It's so cool playing (through) all these games from your childhood, ones you never ever played before and/or couldn't afford!

Anyone else love this feeling? Prospects of a brand new weekend (I especially love rainy weekends -- so conducive to staying in and getting your game on) + finally playing a game you been curious about for X years + beating said game + shelfing it and picking new game to start the cycle all over again = gaming paradise