Well, Microsoft was also throwing around a lot of money in the early 360 days to get timed exclusives. Nintendo is apparently unwilling or unable to do the same thing with WiiU and given the fact that the overwhelming majority of million selling titles on Wii were first party, I kinda doubt most developers are looking to make their own WiiU exclusive commitment. I would suspect they also won't do so on the new Xbox or PS with the exception of a few very specific smaller developers that need support from the manufacturer/publisher and will become defacto first party studios. If there really is performance parity or something close to it between the WiiU and the next generation 360 and PS, I think you are going to see a repeat of the PS2/Xbox/GC generation where many games are released on all three and the exclusives are few and far between. Frankly, the economics of the current industry will make it very difficult to do anything but support all three or at least not release many exclusives and therefore limit the potential customer base.

Quote Originally Posted by The 1 2 P View Post
The 360 got launched first this gen and because of that received exclusives such as Dead Rising and Lost Planet(among others) just because they were the first to launch. Lost Planet later got ported to the PS3 so I don't see why a similiar situation couldn't happen with Wii U. You seem to basically be saying "nobody wants to reveal a next gen game on the Wii U first because it will be showing off a next gen game before Sony or Microsoft launches their systems". I don't really buy that because the title could most likely just be ported to the other systems or stay exclusive to the Wii U.

And for me it wasn't.