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Thread: Post a random classic gaming memory. Tell us a story!

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    I remember going to flea markets in the early 90's and there would be TONS of NES and Atari games all over the place. Back then games were dirt cheap. Luckily I started my collection when the SNES came out and the NES was no longer popular. I remember funcoland selling NES games for 10 cents!!! I swear people would throw away their old NES stuff. For a while people thought i was stupid for collecting NES. Glad I started back in the day. One cool memory I have was going to 7-11 to play games. When a new game came out everyone went bonkers.

  2. #22
    celerystalker is a poindexter celerystalker's Avatar
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    A lot of what really captured my imagination as a kid was arcade cabinets at stores. In this case at a store that used to be in my hometown, Grandpa Pidgeon's, had 2 cabinets that really stuck out to me as a kid. The first was Rastan Saga. It was awesome, right past the checkout lanes, so I'd wander over to look at it while my parents were checking out. I never once had a quarter to put in it, but if no one was close by, I'd put my hands on the controls and pretend I was playing along with the demo. It was so awesome, with its badass hero cutting down monsters. It wouldn't be until nearly 17 years later that I bought a Japanese PS2 just to buy Taito Memories so I could play it the way I remembered it with an X-Arcade stick. Sure, I'd picked up the good Master System version in between, but if you're a Rastan fan, you get it.

    The other was Time Soldiers. It was for me one of those games I could remember things about, but not the name of the game. 25 years later, I was looking to buy my first Arcade cabinet with part of one of my bonus checks. I went looking around with my wife to see if there was anything she would play as well. I went to a local arcade that also sold cabinets and was scouting out games, and was leaning toward Sunset Riders and Victory Road as the top candidates, as I could only afford one, and then I saw it. The giant centurion emblem on the floor in the Rome stage sent my mind back to 1987, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I decided to talk it over with my wife. Truthfully, she wanted Sunset Riders, as I could put a TMNT board in it, but I couldn't deny my 7-year-old self. $500 later it was mine, and it was a realization of two childhood fantasies: having my own arcade cabinet, and finally remembering the name of that game and playing it. Now, I regularly beat it on one life, and it always makes me happy.

    A year later I did go back and buy that Sunset Riders, though.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by celerystalker View Post
    I remember when I was 14 hanging out with my friend in his parents' basement to spend the night, which was awesome, as it was renovated as its own apartment from when his older brothers lived there. We rented NBA Jam that night on SNES, and we'd stocked up on snacks with a 24pk of Mountain Dew and 5 boxes of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies. Within the first 4 hours, we'd eaten probably 3 boxes of cream pies as finished the whole case of Mountain Dew while playing as the Orlando Magic and winning a bunch of games. Anyway, for the rest of the night, I had to pee literally ever 10 minutes, and started feeling bad. I had to keep drinking water to combat it, which only made going to the bathroom worse. Still, I was having so much fun with all of the insane dunks to stop, and we stayed up all night.

    The next day when I got home, I was sick as a dog, like I somehow had a hangover from Mountain Dew. That night completely ruined Mountain Dew for me, as 20 years later it still nauseates me, yet still I love me some Oatmeal Cream Pies. It also caused me to love NBA Jam to death, and about once a year we still get together and play NBA Jam on SNES for hours, and wecoften reminisce about that great night.

    Heh, those are the memories that stay with us. Isn't it cool how we remember the little details to these events? Like the games we rented, played and exactly where we were, who we were with and even the year and season. Some of these memories are vivid it's almost haunting in a way.

    I can see why you hate Mountain Dew now, lol, but what about the other Dew flavors? MD: Code Red is my guilty pleasure. I love it. Whenever I visit Taco Bell (I know I know) I also like MD: Baja Blast. The original Dew I'm meh on.

    Staying on the NBA Jam path, did anyone else ever notice how Hershey Hawkins in TE I think it was, whenever you selected him, his eyes would flash red? It was so weird, but I was convinced it gave him magical basketball powers :P

    There's my random memory share

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  4. #24
    celerystalker is a poindexter celerystalker's Avatar
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    One really crazy couple of days happened in 2011. I was working overnights at the time, so there was a tired glaze on everything. It started on October 27, which was the day before my wedding. Some time before, I'd given each of my three groomsmen PSPs with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, which we were all getting into. The day of the rehearsal/dinner, the Cardinals (I live in St Louis) were in game 6 of the World Series, so we went to a bar next to the dinner afterward with friends to watch the game. It looked like they were sure to lose, so the groomsmen all headed over to my buddy's house to hang out.

    We all fired up our PSPs and started hunting monsters, and we turned on the TV to see the final... the game was still going on in extra innings! It turned out to be a wild finish, and we had a blast watching and hunting monsters. We kept playing until about 4am, watching TV in the background, laughing, and joking.

    We got back together around 8AM. We hit the ground running with breakfast and playing more Monster Hunter. At lunch time, we went WAY out of the way (about 45 minutes one way) for my favorite pizza (Pantera's). While we were walking in, my mom called. My granda had just died, some 4 hours before the wedding. It was one of those super weird moments where I was exhausted, happy, sad, hungry, and nervous (about the wedding) all at once. I have no idea how I was supposed to feel. Everyone looked at me and my friend asked, "What do we need to do?"

    "Um, let's eat."

    We went in, ordered a ton of pizza, talked for a minute, but as there was nothing I could do in the situation, we fired up those PSPs and resumed the hunt, and soon enough we were laughing again. Maybe not as hard, but we were getting back on track.

    Afterward, they took me to my favorite store ever (that's now closed), The Game Trader in St Charles. I wanted to pick up a copy of Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan for PS3 the owner had ordered in for me. My awesome groomsmen decided to get me presents. I ended up with Monster Hunter Portable 3 remastered on PS3, Monster Hunter Tri w/the controller on Wii, and R-Type Complete on PC Engine CD.

    After a few last-minute errands, we got to the church to get ready. I wore the Franklin Badge from the Mother 3 limited box on my tux. The wedding went well.

    During the reception at the Chase hotel, the Cardinals won the World Series at home. It was only a few block away, so we all went outside on the massive balcony to the ballroom and watched the fireworks over the stadium.

    I was exhausted, but I didn't sleep that night, even with the massive drive the next day for the honeymoon. It was just all too much, and I was completely overloaded. I just sat there all night after my new bride fell asleep trying to figure out what I was supposed to feel like.

    I never figured it out, but it was all in all a damn good day.

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    That's a really great story.

  6. #26
    Pretzel (Level 4) T2KFreeker's Avatar
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    The Christmas I got my Turbografx 16, it was awesome. I was a Freshman in High School. I wanted one so bad and we thought I wasn't going to get it because of the smaller size the box was versus other Videogame Consoles. My Cousin got the Sega genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog, Joe Montana Football and That Buster Douglas Boxing Game. I got the Turbografx 16 with Keith Courage in the Alpha Zone, Alien Crush and my Grandparents got me the mother of all games for me at the time, Splatterhouse...

    See, I had played Splatterhouse in the arcades and was really wanting a home version of it. I was so happy when I saw that box come out from the wrapper. My Cousins were even quite jealous, which never seemed to happen on Christmas Morning for me. I had the game and it was the only system that had it. I remember plugging the system in on Christmas morning and us going at it with the game. My Grandmother, who was one of the biggest horror fans I have ever known, looked at my Grandfather and said "For God's Sake Chuck, what did we buy him?" I'll never forget it as long as I live. Was an awesome day and Been a Turbo fan ever since. The system still rocks at my house to this day! The only downside of the day was I was barred from Playing Splatterhouse anymore that day due the the content and it being Christmas...

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    Quote Originally Posted by T2KFreeker View Post
    The Christmas I got my Turbografx 16, it was awesome. I was a Freshman in High School. I wanted one so bad and we thought I wasn't going to get it because of the smaller size the box was versus other Videogame Consoles. My Cousin got the Sega genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog, Joe Montana Football and That Buster Douglas Boxing Game. I got the Turbografx 16 with Keith Courage in the Alpha Zone, Alien Crush and my Grandparents got me the mother of all games for me at the time, Splatterhouse...

    See, I had played Splatterhouse in the arcades and was really wanting a home version of it. I was so happy when I saw that box come out from the wrapper. My Cousins were even quite jealous, which never seemed to happen on Christmas Morning for me. I had the game and it was the only system that had it. I remember plugging the system in on Christmas morning and us going at it with the game. My Grandmother, who was one of the biggest horror fans I have ever known, looked at my Grandfather and said "For God's Sake Chuck, what did we buy him?" I'll never forget it as long as I live. Was an awesome day and Been a Turbo fan ever since. The system still rocks at my house to this day! The only downside of the day was I was barred from Playing Splatterhouse anymore that day due the the content and it being Christmas...
    Just awesome!

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Megas View Post
    Just awesome!
    Yeah, those were the days. The Good Old days actually. The games may have been simpler in their own right, but they just seemed so much more worthwhile though. More fun time.

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    Years ago I found Megaman 2 at a flea market with DIENO sharpied on the front. The very copy that got me back into retro.

    Some years later at a Salvation Army, there's a box of NES carts for $2.99. Among them, The Three Stooges with DIENO in sharpie on the front.

    No picture of MM2, I had found a boxed copy by then and the DIENO cart was traded before I started taking webcam pictures. I check periodically on ebay to see if that very cart is up for sale. No luck yet, and it may very well have been rubbed off but I do recall it was pretty stubborn ink.

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    celerystalker is a poindexter celerystalker's Avatar
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    At the end of summer 1995, my friend and I had a big sleepover on labor day weekend at his house. It was the last weekend before our freshman year of school, and I had just turned 15. He had just bought a copy of Final Fantasy III, and he had just finished it. He was playing through Earthbound at the time, so he played it the first half of the night, and I played Final Fantasy III the second half. I got through the first two scenario splits with Locke's and Edgar's complete, with Sabin's to finish. We stayed awake all night long, and met up with his church youth group in the morning to play tackle football at a park.

    We played all day, having some awesome plays on one end, and getting flat run over by a couple of seniors at the other. We played until dusk before his mom dropped me off at home. He lent me his Final Fantasy III.

    I was exhausted, sore, and beaten up, with that prickly eyes that were aching to close. I wanted to play more Final Fantasy III. I showered up and talked to my parents and brother for a few minutes before slinking into my bottom bunk bed. I picked up the controller and started Sabin's scenario.

    I could barely keep my eyes open, and at times I drifted off to sleep, controller in hand. Before long I was at the Phantom Train. It was that hazy kind of surreal, and it really enhanced the atmosphere. I was drifting in and out, and the ghosts and dark colors were comfortable, yet creepy. I remember at one point waking up from drifting out at the part with all of the ghosts surrounding me... I was hurting and sleepy, but happy and fulfilled. It was a perfect night, and a feeling difficult to express or replicate, but when it happens and I realize it, I just smile to myself.

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    Default SNES rental

    Back when the snes was at blockbuster. A good friend and I would rent RPGs over the weekend and try to beat them. We would get misc junk food on a Friday night and do our best. I can't actually remember beathing any games, but one time we got stuck and we must have spent 3 plus hours looking for "the cider". I'm guessing it was like 4am and we decided to call a 900 hint line. I don't think I've ever called one before. We decided to call, 5 minutes later and we were informed that you don't need to get the cider. Ha, I don't even remember the name of the game. I think this is what got me out of rpgs. .

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    Maybe the Cider from Final Fantasy III in South Figaro for the old man in Locke's scenario?

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    Sega Channel,mostly found memories for me for since it was very convenient to have.I would have friends over for all night gaming sessions to.Beside at the time being able to play games that didn't have a u.s releases.

  14. #34
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    I can tell you first hand. I was about 12 years old when I decided to buy Sega Saturn over Sony PlayStation, and the coming Nintendo 64 at the time.
    What made me choose the Saturn were two things; I used to visit my local arcade once a week (since it was a long drive my parents would take me) and played many great SNK, Sega, Capcom arcade games (Virtual On, Daytona USA, Last Brox, Dead or Alive, Dungeons & Dragons etc.) the one that really enthralled me was Die Hard Arcade (Dynamite Dekka). When I found out it was going to be a Saturn exclusive I wanted the console badly.

    It was at 1996 I went to Toys R Us and chose the Saturn bundle which came with three games (Virtua Fighter 2, Daytona USA, and Virtua Cop) shortly after getting Die Hard Arcade for $54.99 at the time. I very much enjoyed my Sega Saturn. From years reading about futuristic CD based systems like CD-i, and 3DO, it felt really awesome to own one. At the time it was very cool to play your audio-CDs as well as games! I would play my favorite soundtracks (at the time) Mighty Morphan Power Rangers: The Movie, The Simpsons Sing the Blues, Weird-Al Yankovic albums, and Now! That's What I Call Music Volume 1.

    Mind you besides playing my Saturn I still very much played/rented Super Nintendo games at the time.
    For about two years I went to Blockbuster and kept noticing how PlayStation library of games would cover two shelves where the Saturn section stayed roughly the same- small (less than half of one shelf) After renting majority of 'fun' titles that were available I would still have hope for the system. I would read in my magazine subscriptions on games that were being/been released overseas Cyberbots for example, really kept me anticipating a North American release that sadly never came. It became obvious towards the end of 1998 Saturn was going out of the market.

    I would visit my friends house and he had a PlayStation which I didn't care for at the time. Since many of the games I loved and rented/owned were also for Saturn (Mega Man X4, Puzzle Fighter, Darkstalkers) BUT it was his older brother which was into more of the obscure titles being released for PS1 that got my attention.
    He worked at Toys R' Us and used to buy games, play them for awhile, then return them for a full refund, a trick back in the day. He was into Japanese games, they were; Poy Poy, Silhouette Mirage, and Trap Gunner that got my attention. Also to my surprise he owned a Japanese Sega Saturn (at the time super rare, and expensive to own - you had to order in the back of a video game magazine) and he was running Vampire Savior on it!

    The coming Christmas I got Sony PlayStation with Trap Gunner, still own them til this day. My Saturn took a hiatus for a good three-four years until around 2002 I discovered Saturn Torrents and the whole emulation via mod-chips and back-ups. I contributed and played many of the JP exclusive titles for the next years. Same to be said with PlayStation, then Dreamcast.

    As for Nintendo 64, I never really cared for the system. It could have been the fact many of my favorite arcade titles were nonexistent on the console. That and I felt, many great games could already pull off the hyped up '360 degree 3-D gameplay' Super Mario 64 bragged about. Jumping Flash, Tomb Raider came to mind. I would play occasionally play Mario Party games over my friends house as well.

    I originally posted this over at /r/retrogaming but it makes sense to post it here
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    Trap Gunner was an early favorite of mine on Playstation as well. I picked it up on clearance at a Toys R Us for $10 in 1999, as I liked the anime cover art (I'd just started getting really into anime). The game just felt really unique, and it quickly replaced 2D fighters as the multi-player game of choice in my house for a few months. Setting up massive chain reaction traps and catching someone right in the middle of them was just so satisfying in a way different enough from Bomberman to be a real treat. Unfortunately, as I was the only person among my friends that owned it, I quickly got too toigh to beat at it, so the competitive play trickled off to nothing. Still, it makes me happy when one of the guys brings it up nostalgically.

    If you were into Trap Gunner, try Grid Runner on Saturn or PS1. Some similar concepts and feel with a Capture the Flag bent to it, and it's cost all of about nothing for years.

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    initial random memory:
    I'm old enough to remember Atari 2600 back in the day. Didn't have it; got a Coleco with the 2600 adapter. Have an older sibling plus older friend...we played tons of River Raid and Centipede.
    So, my older sister is blasting away in River Raid, getting farther than we ever have (single player games with a group, who does that now?!) my attention wanders to the big button on the 2600 (or perhaps the main Coleco unit). Hmmm, what does this do? RESET.
    I was probably 7, 8, maybe younger.

    2 friends of mine got the NES before I did (I viewed them as spoiled). First game I played was probably Ikari Warriors, an arcade game we liked.

    'kin' A I'm old.

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    So, when I was somewhere around 23 years old, I was hanging out at a friend's house (his parents' house, I should say) while I was supposed to be in a college class. We were playing Toejam & Earl on Genesis at the time around midday, joking around and being unproductive. Out of nowhere, quietly in the background, I heard the music from an old-school ice cream truck. Simultaneously, we looked right at each other, jumped up, and ran down the stairs. We chased that truck down on foot like a couple of idiots and bought some ice cream. I had an ice cream sandwich... I hadn't bought anything from an ice cream truck since I was very young. It was just a really funny moment where we were completely in sync with our stupidity, and that ice cream did hit the spot. Oh, and we did finish our game, naturally.

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    This is one I'll look back on later, but it just happened tonight. My buddy was over hanging out after my wife and son had been in bed (they conked out early around 8) to play some games. My 9 month old son wakes up crying on the monitor while we're playing Crossed Swords on Neo Geo, so I run upstairs to get him, figuring he was just a little hungry or in pain from teething. Gave him a bottle and some Children's Tylenol, but he still kept crying unless I held him and walked around. My buddy decides he's going to take a run at the first Castlevania on NES, which he's never managed to beat before. Anyway, he keeps playing for nearly 2 hours while my son is just inconsolable, so I just held him the whole time and either sat and watched or walked around. I tried to put him to bed one more time, but he started to shriek when I put him down, so back downstairs and pacing while my friend is fighting Dracula at least 20 times. My son is pretty good through all of this as long as I hold him, and watches the whole time. Finally, around 12:30am he beat Dracula... and almost immediately my son fell asleep, like he was just waiting to see the end the whole time. Right to sleep, no fuss. It was bizarre.

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    well that's super odd.

    don't tell your son that you have to go gther his bits and you have to re assemble him on the next game other wise it might be longer before he gets to bed

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    1994. Summer CES in Chicago. A car load of fanzine editors, including yours truly, being driven by the immortal Russ Perry, Jr. At some point, Russ drives the car on sidewalks. I can't remember why, but the whole trip was just a series of zany episodes and stunts like that.
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