I've been putting time into the PS2 version of Shikigami no Shiro 2, tryign to unlock freeplay mode so me and my friends can experience the game's absolutely absurd babblefish quality dialogue.

I've read some online guides that say you need to log six hours total playtime into the game to unlock Free Play. I believe I've done that as the continues counter reads 9 when I initially enter a game, and it's 3 when you have no time logged into the game at all.

In addition, I've unlocked the Extra Config menu, but there's nothing about enabling or disabling Free Play.

I tried playing through the game again, but although I have meet the requirements for Free Play, it doesn't seem to be enabled and I got a game over playing through it.

So then my question is how the heck do you enable Free Play, or do I need to fiddle with the Extra Config first? Or do I need to log 10 continues? Or is the internet just wrong and there is no free play in the English PS2 version of Castle Shikigami 2?