Ed Averett, the man behind fully half of the original Odyssey2 games and "father" of KC Munchkin, has asked me to spread the word about his all-new game featuring our favorite blue hero! (Ed owns the rights to the character so this is a 100% official outing.) "KC Returns!" is currently available for Windows 8 through the Microsoft Store. Ed is also working on a Windows 10 version.

In this adventure, KC arrives in a new, rarely seen world -- the world of the microscopic -- in a maze constructed of atoms. The mission is to rebuild a broken strand of DNA. To accomplish it, KC must energize each atom so that it will move off the playfield into the structure of a DNA base pair, displayed on the right side of the screen. With this game, Ed hopes to use the KC character to unveil (in a fun way) the largely unseen world of atoms, DNA strands and the like, to increase its visibility and players' understanding of it.

In advance of the game's press kit becoming available, Ed provided The Odyssey2 Homepage this introduction to the game. Once you've read up on it, head over to the game's official site, kcmunchkin.com, to watch gameplay videos and read an introduction directly from the game's star. Then visit the Microsoft Store to download it!

Ed has asked for comments on the game, "no matter how brutal" as he put it, so be sure to send your feedback after playing.