Over the weekend I came across this one complete in the box, normally I would have ignored it but the subject matter got the better of me. The 80 page manual is a lot to take in. I tried playing it for maybe 45min~ yesterday and I was more or less confused by the whole thing. Eventually I was able to get my army from one province to another and pounded 2 british units at a fort and won. A round after I lost grossly in another area well outnumbered. A round later I massed an army and went after Boston but had to turn it off, I think I could have handled that one maybe as I had more units. In that time I had to bribe one general with 50 gold not to turncoat and run.

I think what I'm totally lost on is how to micromanage all the various aspects of resources, paying generals, getting the gear, and so on as you're only given around a $1500 allowance up front and after that I'm not sure where it's coming from.

I'd like to give this a fair shake, but if this is just well over my head I'll have to ebay it to get back when I put into it which I'd rather not do.