Hey all. I am working on a book for a publisher based out of Charlotte, NC on the subject of video game speedrunning. As a part of my research, I am looking for people to talk to who have experience in the following:

- BBS Door games
- Multi-User Dungeons
- Old BBS SysOps
- Regulars on the Nintendo Power NES Achievers lists (obviously, with proof)
- Arcade and console developers from the 1980s
- Anyone who worked on the movie "The Wizard"
- Christina Norman, Simon Widlake, or anyone who was into the early Doom scene (particularly from the LMP HOF Website to DHT to COMPET-N and beyond)
- Members of the Quake Done Quick community

Of course, I'm also looking for current speedrunners, but I am generally contacting them directly. For this, I'm more or less looking for average Joes who participated in these particular early gaming cultures.

Anyone who would like to share their experiences and potentially be featured in this book, please get in touch with me with a DM on this forum. I would love to have you share your stories.