If you want Squaresoft/Enix ( whoever rights holder ) to bring back the game, or make an advance port of it ( like PC ). you have to

1. Make some layout marketing that shows positive support for first game.
2. Get a room full of backers holding up a copy of the game in a group shot. Like a couple hundred
people or so ( I guess ).
3. Get people ( this same group ) or more to literally write to Square Enix in both Japan and English Territory. Bare in mind that Japan is a nationalist/Conservative ( by that are literally turn their backs to outsiders by most part ) and sadly but more importantly.
4. Maybe raise money to show that such a release would get projected sales.
5. Even bigger maybe, you walk down to Squaresoft/Enix ( whichever coperate office ) and attempt to take out a trademark of the game, to release an upgraded version of the game itself. Literally make the claim "This game will sell big, I could show you the numbers of people who have pre-ordered the game".
Literally show the amount of pre-orders you have collected already, waiting for this game to actually reach production value.

The reality is that while people like FF "Lore" ( Story ), pushing people to purchase DLC or even attempting to stop people from DLC for free. The point is that when your consumer is a person would make a better RPG or better fighter then the company itself, why bother?

It is like "Kiss of War" the auwsome Adventure, mini-game, actiony, whatever game that we will never see and is only marketing advertisments. If "Kiss of War" was actually an Offline experience and the game would only release based off the pre-orders amount and not through steam but a dedicated website, maybe KOW would actually be a hit.

That being said the FF Fighters you mentioned in my opinion at this point should have made some rapid remakes of the FF games using the actual game sprites and art of the fighting games. But SE would rather make mini-games for the Android not to be taken seriously and played via somebody who slaves away riding on the rails and public transportation.