So far dubbed Analogue 3D, the release states it's an N64 in FPGA. It supposedly sports 4K resolution and can (I'm assuming by how it's written) mimic certain CRTs and PVMs. Completely region free. There are some notes at the bottom that this system "does not support openFPGA" and that "this system does not play copyrighted ROM files", so I'm thinking this means that it's not "hackable" to run ROMS on board or if it's just legal speak so that they don't get nailed by the Mario Police. I'm not familiar with the workings of Analogue's other hardware, so I'm not sure if this info is standard fare.

This is a surprise. I didn't think something like this would be attempted but here we are. For years, and I still am, I've been a huge fan of the N64 right from the beginning. Heck, I was so into it I was able to write the N64 section of the Digital Press Advanced Guide! These days the system hasn't gotten a lot of love due to time and place, this would open up the capability to play on modern TVs elsewhere in the house. On top of that, I wonder if they'll have Bluetooth on it and if so, would Nintendo's wireless N64 controllers work? Eh, probably a pipe dream but I wonder if 8bitdo's N64 mod kit would work (or would be made to work)? Time will tell, time will tell.

If this has the functionality of their other systems....this might be my first Analogue system. I'm stoked at the possibilities. Anyone else potentially excited about this revelation?