I don't remember where, but I'm pretty sure I must have read about the dot and followed directions to find it and the signature. It was probably in one of my original Electronic Games magazines.

(I still remember the covers of those things! Is it just me, or did the one with the blond kid holding the joystick remind anybody else of the kid in National Lampoons Vacation?)

Quick Trivia question - first correct answer receives a dead-common-not-even-a-good-label cartridge from me, if he/she wants it:

In National Lampoon's Vacation, there is a scene of the Griswold's using the 'computer' to plot out their trip on the TV screen. On the coffee table, there is a video game console AND a computer.

Name Both.

and for the fine print: I'm judging the answer based on my memory of the scene from watching the flick on Comedy Central a couple of weeks ago. The prize is going to be close to worthless, so, as the stakes are minimal, no griping/grousing/bitching/whining if I remember wrong and award the prize to the wrong contestant, or if you don't have a special technicolor glow on your custom title, or anything else petty and trivial enough that you shouldn't complain about it.....