I don't know any better place to do it, so I guess right out here in the open I'd like to lodge a formal complaint concerning Sega Genesis week.

So far, this stupid idea has cost me $60.

Not only did I blow $20 on the Genesis/SegaCD combo I found earlier this week, but at the flea market today, I stumbled across this package for $40.

Sega Genesis 3 w/2 controllers, power adapter and video cable.

Greatest Heavyweights Boxing
Sonic 2 (x2)

Batman: Forever
Jungle Book
Sonic 2
Pac-Man 2
Ms. Pac Man

Also included in the package was a Dual Turbo box, which includes two wireless adapters and the main unit. The controllers and unit are all still sealed in plastic. The box is in okay condition.

And if you think I'm upset about Genesis week, you should talk to my wife. Between the C64 I got from Maxlords last week, the two Dreamcasts I picked up from Autobotracing, and all this Genesis swag piled all over the kitchen table, we've been eating on TV trays for a solid week now!

At least one person in the family seems happy about it all.