All the games I bought, but didn't like, or because my brother begged me to get them..

Some of them I can think of:
Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2 for Xbox. I'm still paying for it.
Viewtiful Joe (Paid the $35 for it. Don't really like it.)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. (My brother loved it. Until he beat it.)
Soul Calibur II (My brother begged me. I only got it because we had an original cased one and not a PC version. Fortunately it was only $20.)
Pac-Man World 2 Players Choice (Turns out, it couldn't hold my interest long enough.)
Star Wars Clone and Tetris Worlds (The Tetris has no freaking score board! WHAT THE FUDGE? It's NOT TETRIS without a SCORE YOU DUMBASSES!! I did like the variations, but I guess I should have invested in one of the PSX or N64 ones.)
The Sims Bustin' Out (Turns out, I remembered I didn't really like The Sims much.)

I keep saying I'll sell some of this stuff, but the former collector in me keeps telling me no. Dammit. So I'm stuck.