Quote Originally Posted by lendelin
Everblue 2 is a great game, still, there are themes which are obviously neglected in videogames. Why are there so few underwater games?

To second what DigitalPress himself said, it was simply bad reviews. I distinctly remember an issue of EGM from the late 1980's that reviewed at least two underwater games in the same month. One was "Deep Blue" on the Turbografx 16. Both of them got horrible reviews from Semrad and the gang. They might have even covered three titles, instead of two. I haven't seen the issue in many years.

If I remember right, the Quartermann section of that very issue or one right around the same time spent an entire paragraph ripping some recent underwater movies (like Deep Star Six (is that title right?), Leviathan and The Abyss) saying they were not only horrible movies but would make lousy games.

I never said it, but some people liked to believe that EGM had a knack for not only killing genres but entire game systems with their reviews.

I still remember the pissing match that Ed Semrad had with one of the guys who ported "World Heroes" onto Super NES when he accused both the programmer and Sunsoft of "trying to capitalize on the success of Street Fighter 2" in his review.

So simply blame EGM, like so many others