As an addendum to my previous post, here is my somewhat schizophrenic "Top Four Favorite Video Game Systems" list.

4. Sony Playstation and Sega Master System (tie)
3 1/2. Commodore 64
3. Colecovision and Intellivision (tie)
2. Atari 2600 and NES (tie)
1. Atari 5200*

* You could probably lump the 5200 with the entire Atari 8-bit family. Maybe I just should have listed that. Oh well.
** My very favorite game is Super Metroid for SNES; ironically, however, I liked very few games for that system, so it didn't make the cut.
*** I am aware that there are 8 systems in my "Top 4" list. I'm OK with it. And so are you.