(Note: This is from Retrogaming Roundtable '83)

I've been hearing a lot about the possiblilty of a video game crash . Back in December 1982, Atari reported only a 10% to 15% increase in expected earnings, and not the 50% figure expected.

And they made a bad move when they rushed E.T. to the stores in time for the holiday season and made more carts than they had made VCS consoles.

I've also heard a lot about slumping sales in the video game category alone.

I think it's going to happen. I don't want it to happen, though.

Cmosfm posted about a new Nintendo system coming in a few years, and with all I've heard about computers like Colecovision, there is hope.

But still, it doesn't look good.

What do you guys think?