I found this auction, in Hong Kong, on eBay. It's for a clearly-pirate Famicom system .. note the jacks in the back, the way the controllers are hardwired INSIDE the system, and how he wants *$62* to ship it to the States when the actual cost for that would be under $20. More like $13. Not only this, but it's a general rule that if you buy it in Hong Kong, odds are 15:1 it's not official.

So I contact this cockmaster and ask him quite politely, if he is making these machines, what's with the exorbitant shipping fees, and if he WAS making them, if he'd answer some questions about pirate hardware production. Useful info for my site's pirate section. Reasonable requests, I thought.

The answer I got was:
"Are you threatening me or something? I think I will report you to ebay as a SPAM, becasue I don't understand what you said. - cy"

Oh, that makes sense. "I don't understand you, so I'll report you."

Well guess what fuckface, you're reported for fraud and your auctions will magically jump up to ridiculous amounts, courtesy of a mysterious new eBay account that was just registered, should you not decide to be more civil than this.

Are there any decent merchants in China? Any at all? (Don't even get me started on ToToTek ..) :P