Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B
Even people who love the US (which includes myself) have to admit that those are accurate generalizations about the American people. The Japanese are equally money-grubbing, but at least they still care about being polite, honest, and upholding their honor. Americans will do ANYTHING for money. They'll make a complete disgrace out of themselves just to get it. Hasn't "reality" TV taught you anything? ;P
Clearly you're not familiar with the Japanese counterparts to these television shows. They make our reality programming look positively quaint. I seem to remember one in particular called Drunken Salary Man Challenge, or something like that. And then there's the one with the guy that had to live off of entering mail contests for a year, and at one point had nothing to eat but dog food.

By the way, how does the number of Japanese game development companies compare to the number of similar US companies? Statistically, if they're cranking out more games, then they're going to have more memorable hits among them. The problem with US gaming is that the market is too saturated with franchise and license cash grabs. I'm not sure if the same is true of the Japanese market, but it makes for some very lackluster games. (For reference, see Atari 2600 Pac-Man, E.T., etc.)