Hi, I have recently gone into the realm of "ULTRA NERD".

Yep, I'm actually collecting freaking action figures. I never thought that I would get into something like that. Whenever I thought about grown adults messing around with action figures, I thought that they must be the most childish and nerdy people on the planet.

But now that I'm one of them, I guess I shouldn't think that anymore.

What happened is that I got the old movies on DVD recently, and my 4 and a half year old son really loves the first Star Wars movie. He wants to watch it over and over and over.

After seeing him get really into the old Star Wars movie, I remember that I had a number of Star Wars toys when I was a little kid. I was 6 or 7 years old when the first movie came out.

I knew that my old toys were probably somewhere in my Moms house, even to this day. So I went to my Moms and searched everywhere and I found some of my guys, and some of the ships and stuff.

But I'm missing alot of the little figures, and some of the ships and some parts and stuff.

My son absolutely loves playing with these old Star Wars guys, he has no idea that they are almost 30 freaking years old!!!!

He just loves to play with them and watch the movie. I also enjoy playing with the little guys with him, because if I'm going to have to play with him anyways, I might as well be playing with the Star Wars guys rather than some Power Rangers or something like that.

So I'm looking to find the old action figures from 1977 to like 1985. They can be loose characters, and they don't need to be perfect. But I also don't want any that are totally thrashed, or missing heads or whatever.

I've looked on Ebay for this stuff, but the prices can get really outrageous. I assume that most of the people on there are collectors, and they aren't looking for these guys to play with their kids. I'm just trying to get the guys to play with my son.

I have a number of old video games and stuff like that, that I would be willing to trade for old Star Wars toys. So if you have any old Star Wars toys that are extra's, or stuff that you are willing to part with, then send me a PM. I might have some video game items that you would want in a trade.