You refer to Dan Bunten "switching" to Dani Bunten (M.U.L.E.) and Jay Fenton "switching" to Jaime Fenton (Astrocade, Gorf).

There are others.

For example, Steve Kitchen, who designed Space Shuttle for Activision and Carnival for Coleco (both for the Atari 2600) changed sex.

There's also Walter Carlos, who composed the music for the arcade version of TRON, later referred to as Wendy Carlos.

Don't forget William Mataga, designer of the classic "Shamus", he's known as Cathryn Mataga these days.

Another one for ya. Jennifer Reitz, who did a bunch of stuff for Activision, (including Shanghai, Transformers, and Aliens) and founder of Happy Puppy wasn't originally a female.

Let us also not forget John Hardie, who once went by the name Jeanette Hardie. Aspirations to become a ballet dancer went somewhat askew as the desire to drink beer became a focal point in her young life.

Incidentally, I've met a few of these individuals and they're good people. The swap from one gender to another may seem prevalent in this industry, but it certainly seems this is where these folks belong.