k, here's the deal. A friend of mine (and a fellow DPer who will almost certainly read this and yank the deal ) has offered me a very very good trade.

A mother brought in her son's old SNES collection to trade in a the game store where he works. It included Mario RPG, Harvest Moon, and Mega Man X3 among others. My friend bought the last two games, I bought the first one (though I already have a copy).

I just so happen to have boxes for MMX3 and Harvest Moon that I purchased in a very large NES/SNES lot that I, admitly, didn't pay much for.

This friend also has an extremely respectable collection that shadows mine, and has doubles of Harvest Moon and MMX3, but he needs the boxes.

So in short: should I trade my MMX3 and Harvest Moon boxes for the games themselves?

I don't want to see any eBay auctions, I know what each go for. What I do want everyone to keep in mind is how difficult it would be to obtain another box for both games without having to buy boxed/complete copies.