When it rains; it pours.

The other day I recieved an old PSX game in the mail (Tecmo's Deception) and I popped it into my PS2. Before I even started playing the game I decided to watch and see if a "demo" was going to run first (something I like to do); but the game froze during the "loading bar" sequence, so I ejected the disc and examined it but it was spotlless and scratchless. A few reloads later and it played fine.

Fast forward to the next day and I'm trying out my latest acquisition for my Xbox (DOA Volleyball) and I'll be damned if the same thing doesn't happen on it! (kind of..) During the opening CGI movie sequences the animation just freezes! Inspection of the disc likewise showed no flaws but I cleaned it anyway and popped it back in and it ran; but it still freezes most of the time (at the exact same point in the movie).

I really don't thinks it's the discs but I haven't had a chance to try out many others either yet (I.E. Games that have given me no problems previously). Any ideas what's going on here? And why in different consoles? Coincidence?

Only thing I can think of is that I'm a smoker and maybe the lenses are getting dirty/coated as both of these units suck in room air. How do you clean a laser lens aside from disassembling the case and using a Q-Tip and alcohol? Do ANY of those CD-type cleaners work or are they dangerous/damaging?

Thanks to all for your time & attention.

BTW.. when I say the games "freeze" I mean just that.. the picture just stops.. but the console still is running and I still see the picture on screen.. no "error" messages either.