Well, I suppose it is time I did this again. Here is some information about ME! I recently moved back to Kansas at the request of my roommate. (We are still roommates) I am back in the town and area I grew up. It is nice and pretty good for video game hunting.
I found this forum from the "old" forum. There was a link (Ha Ha) I actually found a link off of Atariage.com. I remember when I was growing up we had an Intellivision and a C64. I remember playing Pitfall! And generally enjoying both systems. When the Nes was new, I remember going to Children's Palace and buying the system, Ghost 'N Goblins and Castlevania. My brother and mother were with although my brother seemed uninterested. And for the record, my mother bought the system. I was also the first person in my neighborhood to have a SNES. I remember the kid across the street came over one day to look at it. I felt like a King.
Time went on and the Intellivision and C64 were gone. I had no control over it, yet I feel guilt for not putting up more of a fight to keep them. They were both giving away. I would like to think they have good homes now, but honestly I have no idea. I had the Nes, Snes and Genesis, so I managed to be happy.
I did not go to too many arcades and I feel remorse for it. I followed my older brother around and he was never inclined to go. I do recall Crystal Castles and Galaga. Galaga is one of my more favourite games. I still trudge down to the "arcade" to play it.
A few years ago, I felt the urge to play my Nintendo. It was something I had not done in a while. I found it not to be in working order. I searched the web and did a home repair. It works now, at least somewhat. However, looking around the web made me wonder why I had a brief absence from gaming. I elected to "get back" into gaming. I finally have an Atari 2600. I never had one growing up. The kids down the street did and so did my friend Patrick. Why didn't I ever have one? I don't really know.
As far as making a living, I don't I am a student. I am not sure when I will graduate or what I will major in. I am looking into a finding a job and going to school. Somebody needs to support this habit!