Quote Originally Posted by jonjandran
Quote Originally Posted by jajaja
Quote Originally Posted by jonjandran
Umm why ?
Its much easier. You just put in the game and push reset one time (depending on the modchip tho)
Your wearing out the tray if you play alot with the swap trick. Swap trick is also ancient hehe

Of coure it might cost you alittle more, but its worth every cent in my opinion. I would never use the swaptrick to play my imports.
This is MY opinion. So no one need to come with some fancy comment or something, thank you
No smart reply here.

But it's just a rumor that it wears out the tray. After this many years of people using the slide card , there has been no proof of it affecting the tray. The card is just sliding the tray open manually. It doesn't force anything or wear it out.

Also you say the chip is easier. But I'm talking about installing the chip. It's not as easy as walking in Wal-Mart and getting it installed. It's expensive and time consuming to buy a chip, find an installer, send it off, wait for it and hope it works or you don't get screwed.

For the average person the slide card is a LOT less complicated.
I fully agree with you. Installing a modchip yourself without any soldering knowledge is almost impossible. I had no problem finding someone who could install my modchip. I sent it in and got it back about a week later. Also more expencive yes, but much better imo.
Well.. about the wearing out the tray, its logical. You have to open and close the tray twice instead of one time. So it do wear it out more than a modchip since you have to open it 2 times instead of one. On the other hand, how solid the tray is is another question The ps2 might handle 1 million open/closing so you wont notice that its wearing out. Its a engine you know, that opens and closes the tray. Everytime its used it gets worn out. Its like that with all things so to say. But the tray might be rock solid and maybe it takes years to wear it out

But wouldnt you pay alittle extra so you didnt have to swap? I would (already did it hehe)