I see what jaybird's saying, and I agree to a point, but I remember it being really bad back when the SNES/Genesis were the big two. Then again, I was about 11 years old at the time, so that might have something to do with it.

I remember kids getting into fights over this sort of thing too. I also remember reading magazine articles that would have one kid saying how much he loved the Genesis, for example, and that he would never buy an SNES, etc. I never really understood the whole "fanboy" thing to begin with; I actually had a SNES and a Turbo Duo at the time and loved them both. I remember taking so much flack for having a Duo at the time when it was first released; it was practically unheard of. All I knew though was that Ys was the greatest thing I had ever seen, heard, or played.

I voted 16-bit, but simply because that's what I grew up with and remembered most. Although I do remember it getting pretty bad between the PSX and the N64, and, to a lesser extent, the Saturn. I was actually just reading an old Gamefan article the other day about how this kid was so in love with the N64 and how much of a Nintendo fanboy he was, and how the N64 would destroy the PSX, etc. At least he admitted his fanboyism, I suppose.