I have been extolling the virtues of this pc game for a couple years now some might remember.

Finally FINALLY its due on Xbox and looks like its gonna kick alot of ass.


check out the video there.

While not the flashiest graphics ever admittedly it is hard to convey the sheer SIZE of the game. Think San Andreas big only more so. You will have missions in the game but its really open ended. I remember where I completely disregarded my mission outline and wandered off.. found a Russian Gunship at an Airbase too it back and then took out the enemy infantry with it instead of a firefight.

Or having gotten my squad killed and been shot through the legs, Crawled the rest of the way to the Shilka AA tanks and used grenades from fallen Russians to take out the treads which causes the crew to bail So I could cut them down with a carbine.. Radio an all clear to a Warthog that the AA is snuffed so it could roll in and pound the rest of the Armor and still manage to crawl back to an Evac in the chaos. Intense.

Look for Sothy Online with this one. Some people think they are badasses with that Halo 2 shielding... Wait untill you are ambushed and half your team dies then taking the obvious retreat route only to run into well placed claymores... The opportunity for devious planning is magnificent and jumping around like an idiot going All HALO style Rambo will make you humble real quick.

Long Story short, BUY THIS.

I dont sing praises of this magnitude often so I hope yall are listening.