Yesterday I got a Nintendo DS, giving me 15 systems...that sounds like a good number. So I started thinking about what was the most recent game I got for each of my systems. Some of these I haven't bought a game for in quite awhile so I may not be quite sure but as far as I know, these are the most recent games I got for each of my gaming machines...

Atari 2600--Package of 8 games including Kangaroo
Atari 5200--Miner 2049er
Atari Lynx--Robotron 2084 (DP Secret Santa gift!)
Atari Jaguar--Bubsy
ColecoVision--Arctic Adventure

Super Nintendo--Mr. Do!
Nintendo 64--Mario Party
Nintendo GameCube--Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS--Nintendogs and Super Mario 64 DS
Xbox--Metal Slug 3

Sega Genesis--Sonic & Knuckles
Sega Saturn--Duke Nukem 3D
Sega Dreamcast--Bomberman Online
Sony Playstation--Power Rangers Pinball
Sony Playstation 2--Rumble Roses