
(Insert title of any shoot em up here for the newer gen consoles): Don't get me wrong, games like Gears of War, Halo are pretty to look at for their art. Wolfenstein 3D and Goldeneye are classic shoot em up games that are good. But to say that shoot em up games of this generation are the best games is not something I agree with. There is hardly ever any difference between one shoot em up game from the other. I remember during Microsoft's E3 conference this year, when they were going through a lengthy list of shoot em up games, it just got boring to where we could predict what it was. Also, the only difference that seems to exist between one game from another is the perspective (1st or 3rd) and your target (humans or zombies). It just seems the same to me and is very unappealing as a gamer and consumer to see a lack in variety.

Final Fantasy: I know it's a big franchise and I do enjoy looking at the art and cutscenes from the game, but the game doesn't seem much fun to me. It's good but not as great as what some may think.


Glover (N64): Anyone that enjoys Super Mario 64 will enjoy this. The game has the same platform gaming type of structure around it. Not easy but not too hard either. It is quite original too with the characters and story and whatnot.

Caveman Ughlynpics (Commodore 64): Anyone that enjoys classic caveman cartoonie type of funny will like this game. My dad and uncle were exactly the people that would like it and they can't get enough of it. Find videos of it on youtube to see what I mean. It is a good game too.