Anyone seen the good ol' network lately? I have, and it may not be all that pretty. to clear some things up, I have sent a message to CN about my distress:

dear CN,

I have recently observd a commercial for your cartoon fiday's cartoon block, and noticed something very odd. In the commercial, you used sprites ( from varoius video games. amoung them I have observed a human figure dressed in karate clothes. I can confirm with 99.9% proficiency that this is the main star from the Nintendo Entertainment system game "Kung-Fu" So my question is this; did you have permission to borrow these sprites from nintendo?

also, the sound-effects in one of your games based on the show "my gym partner's a monkey" has certain sound effects that sound dangerously close to the ring chime sound in the various early "sonic the hegdehog" games.

copyright infringement is a very serious crime. please report back to me with your response

-a concerned retro videogamer
I wish I could get that same commercial so you could see what I mean.

try e-mailing them yourself, as I'd like to see your results