I read in an old thread that vincewy has almost every sealed dreamcast games there were released. I am really impressed by that because I started collecting sealed dreamcast games about a year ago. (I know alot of people are against collecting sealed games but I hope you will not make any judgements here as I only want to hear some genuine insight from other collectors. Thanks for your understanding).

I only have about 92 games so far. I don't know if I should continue because it's getting harder to find sealed DC games. My only sources to gather them is from trading and Ebay. I am actually seriously considering to scrap my collection.

I would appreciate if you can give me some insight as to whether I should continue to go for a complete collection of sealed US DC games. It seems so far-reached now. Do you think it's possible for me to attain a full set or is it too out of reach that I should just call a stop to it?

I want to make a decision within the next day because a very nice member, suckerpunch5, is holding some games for me. I need to let him know if I still want it. They are all sealed DC games.

Thanks alot for your time. I would really appreciate some advice because I cannot decide