Happy Holidays Gamers!

The "12 Days of J2Games.com" Holiday Contest started on December 1st and we wanted to make certain all of our DP friends were aware! (now that the forums are back up!)

See the link: http://j2games.com/new/forum.php?add...php?board=32.0

Starting Dec 1st and running for the first 12 days of December, be sure to check out the J2Games Forums for our daily 'VideoGame Trivia' Question! Each correct answer will get you a chance to win that day's prize AS WELL AS the chance to win the GRAND PRIZE - 1 Messiah Generation NEX Game System WITH Wireless NES Controllers AND Wireless NES Arcade Stick (soon to be released!) AND Zapper Gun AND SMB/Duck Hunt game AND 10 other great titles! (whewww... that's ALOT of AND's in there!)

If this isn't enough for you, the daily prizes are really REALLY cool too! See the site for more details!

And stay tuned, all this trivia is leading up to our Spring '07 launch of J2Games "VideoGame Trivia" the board game! 1000's of questions from different era's in gaming built into one great board game! (expansions packs will also be availble!) Are you a gamer from the 70's, 80's, 90's? Are you 8-bit, 16-bit, cart or cd crazy? or are you a SUPREME GAMER that knows the industry inside and out? This game will help you prove it! (or give us all ammo to taunt you with!

Lastly, be sure to check the site. We've added Susan's "Token Female" column with a fresh new view on gaming from a girl gamer's perspective! (and she ain't soft!) Rob is still dishing it out on "Gamer's Unite" and managing to create more controversy (and a few headaches as he questions our existence!) And we just added our 42nd game system and games to inventory! (Neo-Geo AES, MVS and CD anyone??)

Happy Holidays and Happy Gaming from the entire J2Games staff!