Here's the scenario:

Hi. I am trying to play some old classics. However on my sony HDTV I keep getting tears in the screen when playing. I have tried svideo and regular av.The tears occur when movement occurs on screen. Any suggestions?

I have tried the console on multiple tv's and with multiple games. The tearing that is occuring is only happening on the Sony KV-36HS500. I called Sony Tech support and we ran through adjusting all the settings of the TV. Nothing helped. I have also tried AV plugs, Svideo, and an RF switch. All produce the tearing. I also ran my RF connection through a VCR. The tearing was still present. Any suggestions?

I have the following systems: Xbox, Gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, Super Nes, Nintendo 64, and Dreamcast. This tearing only happens with the Super Nes. If I plug the same exact av plug into my Nintendo 64 the tearing that occurs with the Super Nes does not occur.

I have tried the console on multiple tv's and with multiple games. The tearing that is occuring is only happening on the Sony KV-36HS500. I called Sony Tech support and we ran through adjusting all the settings of the TV. Nothing helped. I have also tried AV plugs, Svideo, and an RF switch. All produce the tearing. I also ran my RF connection through a VCR. The tearing was still present. Any suggestions?
In other words, this certainly does not occur when they're using the N64 and the same plug. I'm wondering if maybe the cord isn't quite right for the SNES (if that makes sense, not "backwards compatible" however odd that sounds) or the SNES itself is malfunctioning.

Oh, and here's the original thread: