This woman is a power seller on ebay. She has horrible communication skills and is a con artist. She recognizes an inexperienced buyer, not just by the (0) transactions by their name but by the way they have no clue at what they are doing on how to handle a problem and then a dispute on ebay. My friend, precious woman (mother of 3-single mom whos husband is in prison) who has no money to waste, purchased a video game for her yougest son on ebay. Actually it was a Donkey Kong 3 Game and Watch Micro VS system. She paid $74 ($66 + shipping). The game thing came damaged and was supposed to be new. The seller, Sara, told her to mail it back, which she did. My friend failed to get any confirmation shipping. Yes, Yes, I know, not a smart thing to do. But my friend is not experienced with this and is very trusting. The seller, Sara, tells her that she never received it back and refuses to refund her money (we have proof of this refusal in saved e-mails). My friend sends e-mail after e-mail and doesn't hear back from her again. She waits too long over 60 days before she even tells me about it. I now jump in and try to help her. The seller, Sara, tells me that oh yes she did refund her money even though she did not get her Donkey Kong thing back. She says that she did not do it in a refund to her credit card but a direct payment and that is why it does not show through paypal or her credit card. I feel horrible for my friend and looking through her (the seller) last negative feedbacks (18 in one month) I see she has done this to others as well.