Since I know many people here are collectors, where I just consider myself a gamer, I'd be curious to know what you think rank as some of your best buys, sells, or trades. What have you bought new at the time that is very rare and/or could sell for mucho money these days? What have you sold for a huge profit? Made any good trades that have you laughing about it for the next week, even ones you did by accident?

I think mine would have to be:

In early 2000 I was looking to get rid of my Game Boy Pocket, which my folks had gotten me for Christmas 98, because they turned around and got me a Game Boy Color for Christmas of 99. I was a active member of the EZTrade site at the time and soon struck what, at the time, seemed like a balanced deal -- my GBP for a used copy of Suikoden II and $20. I had rented and enjoyed Suikoden and I was interested in the second one, but not sure I wanted it, so it seemed like a decent trade. I used the $20 I got to buy the Prima hint book. Now, of course, both the game and book are selling for crazy ammounts, I love the game to death, and consider the set one of my 'true' collectable items. Too bad the front of the case cracked during one of my moves. :/

Last year I reacted to news reports that Animal Crossing and other US GC games would support the keyboard, so I bought one from Hong Kong on EBay for $100. It did'nt take long to discover that AC had NO typing keyboard support and I did'nt like PSO when I rented it so I decided to sell it back on EBay. Imagine my surprise when a newbie swooped in and bought it for $300! And he paid, also!

Just last month I sold my Prima book for Star Ocean II, still with the price sticker from EB for $15 on it, on Amazon for $55. A few months eariler I did the same thing with the book for Harvest Moon (PSX) -- bought new for $20, sold for $70.

Two years ago I bought a mint set of old board games -- Diplomacy, Civilization (the AH one), Shogun, and Axis and Allies -- from a game store in a mall going out of business for only $100. I could easily sell these for about $50-75 each, going off current prices and demand.

Okay, your turn.