Much of what I was going to say has already been said. The 32X 'doesn't even compare' to the Saturn. It's basically like a generational difference in released game quality. Whether or not the 32X was a good idea or could've done well under different circumstances, I'm still glad that it exists and appreciate it for what it is.

The Saturn's 3D is just fine for the time. Even in the hands of poor developers, there wasn't that much difference between it and the average PSX game (I won't get into the N64). The difference is smaller than that between the Genesis and SNES. Sure Sega should've helped third parties more, but the end result overall turned out good enough and there are plenty of Saturn games with amazing 3D for the time.

I've noticed that discussions about the Saturn and/or Sega failing are always based around Sega. No one seems to give Sony any credit for the PSX or entertain the idea that no matter what Sega did, they might have still died out in the console market. Even Nintendo has been beat until recently. Which makes it kinda crazy that many people say that the Saturn should've been more like the N64.