Surprised that I couldn't find anything like this in Classic Discussions, and it's a shame this board is so dead, so a little conversation should stir it up. What are your favorite arcade games from across the years? Mine are:

1. Tron - First played it in DisneyQuest at Disneyworld last June of '10, at first I didn't like it but after a couple plays I was really hooked. The gameplay is varied and fun, and you get a real sense of accomplishment getting past even level four. You think the game's fairly simple, but after the 2nd level the game drops you into the shark pool without any warning. I'm a sucker for very difficult arcade games, and this is definitely one of the hardest I've played. Light Cycles is my favorite game, then Grid Bugs. It's also what got me into Tron in general, and I can safely now consider it my favorite movie of all-time. I still can't get past Level 4 of Tanks.

2. Discs of Tron - I also played at DisneyQuest, rather simple but very addicting gameplay. The machine I played on had a sunk-in Deflect button so the game was considerably harder, but that didn't stop me from playing it. Shame it's so scarcely found, it's very very fun.

3. Stargate/Defender II - I love Stargate! The control scheme is very difficult, but the game is just so addicting. Don't think I've ever played a harder arcade game. You've got to have really fast reflexes on this one, being able to go fast, dodge, and shoot at any given time. Plus the erratic movement of the enemies makes it even harder. Nothing predictable about Stargate for sure! Not the game to play when you only have a couple quarters left in your pocket though!

4. Ghouls N' Ghosts - I first really gave Ghouls N' Ghosts a fair shake on the Genesis, and immediately I was hooked. At first turned off in the arcades by it's immense difficulty, I found it to be rather easy after multiple playthroughs, and at certain times, the game becomes a breeze. The controls are really tight and the gameplay is so fun, that you can't help but keep trying. It's hard to put it down. And of course the sense of accomplishment you get after playing through the entire game get a Cliffhanger ending. Gah! Foiled again!

5. Star Wars Arcade (1979) - The first video game with voice! An excellent game from Atari, especially in the cockpit version! Again, not an easy game. After the first level they throw you to the dogs, tons of fireballs and TIE Fighters to deal with. Not to mention Darth Vader's TIE, which can't be killed. But the simple Rail-Gun gameplay makes this one an instant classic. And great graphics for the time too!

What are your favorites?