Hey everyone, I am not the kind of person who self promotes my content in a forum topic, but this time I think its pretty relevant because I think a lot of you will really enjoy the topic at hand. Recently one of my co-hosts on my podcast got in contact with the seller of the sealed Stadium Events that sold on eBay recently for $22,000, she was kind enough to join us on skype for an interview of sorts, and she has one amazing story to tell about how she found the copy, and what else she got with it.

We jump right into the conversation at the start (takes like 1 minute after introductions are done and such) and it lasts until the 26:00 mark (feel free to listen to the rest, though if its your first time listening you may be bored by our 'contest giveaway' section lol but we have other topics on hand).

Anyway the link can be found here: CLICK HERE or if you search for us on iTunes "All Gen Games" it is episode 28.